Facts About Disabilities

About 1 in 4 Americans live with a disability. Disability is not a limitation, but a normal part of life.

Understanding Disability

Since Easterseals inception in 1919, the definition of disability has evolved. In fact, the definition of disability isn’t quite the same as it was even five years ago. Disability encompasses a broad spectrum of differences, from visible to invisible. From physical impairments to neurodiversity, disability manifests differently for everyone.

Addressing Ableism and Language

Despite progress in understanding and acceptance, ableism persists as a barrier for individuals with disabilities. Whether overt discrimination or subtle biases, language plays a crucial role in shaping perceptions and attitudes towards disability. Recognizing and affirming one’s identity empowers them to embrace their unique experiences and contributions to our world.

Accessing Easterseals Services

We are committed to providing comprehensive support and resources to individuals with disabilities at every stage of life. Whether you’re navigating a recent disability diagnosis or seeking ongoing assistance, our services are designed to empower individuals to live, learn, work, and play within their communities.